Introducing IANUS partner, Radboud University

Radboud University is a partner of INAUS project. It is a public research university located in Nijmegen, Netherlands. Established in 1923, Radboud University has consistently been included in the top 150 of universities in the world by four major university ranking tables.

The university is represented within IANUS by the Institute for Science in Society (ISiS). As embedded research group in Radboud University’s Faculty of Science, the institute (1957) was initially focused on education (philosophy and ethics). Over the years, the scope of our activities broadened. And whilst other groups focusing on the values and principles of different disciplines merged into a faculty of philosophy, our group opted to remain embedded at the Faculty of Science.

In the ensuing years, the institute welcomed a wider scope of expertise: besides philosophy, ethics & history, the sociology of science and science & technology studies became a matched expertise, with the aim to analyze, assess and improve the societal embedding of science and technology.

ISiS was involved in a number of relevant EC projects, including PRINTEGER, RRI-PRACTICE, RRING, GRRIP. Next to these, relevant Dutch national experience includes its Centre of Society and Genomics, as well as a number of projects related to the ethics of responsible innovation. Its PI, dr. Laurens Landeweerd, is an ethicist and a philosopher of technology. In the past, Landeweerd was involved in a number of EC projects, including BioTEthics, BioTethed, Value Isobars, ENHANCE, SYNTHETHICS, Synenergene. Dr. Amalia Kallergi is involved as postdoctoral fellow.

Radboud University Nijmegen is work package leader for WP2 – Reconnaissance, which aims to establish an overview of the state of the art on Trust in Science, predominantly in the European context.

Radboud University Nijmegen’s latest communication-contributions to the project include:

  • Dr. Laurens’ presentation of IANUS at the Round table discussion on science communication, organized on March 21st by the British Council and the British Embassy in The Hague
  • Dr. Laurens’ upcoming representation of IANUS at PCST2023, a conference on public communication on science and technology that takes place in Rotterdam on 12-14 April, in specific for the Elsevier-sponsored session on the 12th
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