Exploring Trust and Engagement in Biomedicine Science

The Erasmus University of Rotterdam (EUR) focuses its endeavors on delving deep into the dynamics of trust, public engagement, and the integration of societal values in scientific research in the biomedicine field. By examining two distinct yet interconnected domains -medical citizen science and vaccine research- the university aims to unearth insights that bridge the gap between scientific inquiry and individuals’ everyday “lifeworld”.

Medical Citizen Science: Bridging Research and Lifeworld

The first case study focuses on the realm of medical citizen science, in which the EUR builds upon the foundations laid by pioneering projects that not only explore the realms of responsible research and innovation and the human microbiome but also engage patients and healthcare professionals in the design of cutting-edge cancer research. A crucial question guides our inquiry: How can we bridge the gap between rigorous research methodologies and the nuanced realities of individuals’ lives? This exploration extends to scrutinizing the relationship between scientific research and commercial entities, particularly the skepticism researchers harbor towards claims made by companies. Our objective is to champion a shift towards a more responsible and open science -a science that is driven by societal values and recognizes the importance of public trust. This ambition necessitates institutional transformations to reward and acknowledge the time-intensive process of involving stakeholders in research endeavors.

Vaccines: Navigating Research, Policy, and Public Perception

The second case study focuses on vaccine research, spotlighting the ErasmusMC’s pivotal role during the COVID-19 crisis. With a rich history in viral research, ErasmusMC exemplifies the intricate balance required to meld cutting-edge scientific research with real-time policy advice and media engagement. This case study aims to dissect the challenges and implications of maintaining public trust in science amidst the urgency of a global health crisis. EUR seeks to understand the multifaceted relationship between scientific advancement, policy-making, and media representation through discourse analysis, personal reflections, interviews, and biographical approaches.

The IANUS project -and thus EUR’s case studies- is committed to fostering a deeper understanding of how science can more effectively engage with society, ensuring that research not only advances knowledge but also aligns with the public’s values and needs. Stay tuned for insights and discoveries as the project navigates these complex landscapes of trust, engagement, and the societal impact of science.

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