2023 Edelman trust barometer: Navigating in a polarized world

The Edelman Trust Barometer is an annual trust and credibility survey realised by Edelman, a global communications firm. The survey is realised every year, having a different thematic focus. The 2023 trust barometer is the 23rd survey of the firm; it entailed 30-minute online interviews conducted between November 1st and November 28th, 2022. It overall sampled more than 32,000 respondents across 28 countries.

The main topic of the 2023 survey is “Navigating in a polarized world”. Among others, it was found that four different sources lead to polarization. The first source refers to economic anxieties, with economic optimism currently collapsing around the world. The second source is Institutional Imbalance, where business is now the sole institution being seen as competent and ethical. Then, the mass-class divide is making people in the top quartile of income living in a different trust reality than those in the bottom quartile, while the battle for truth addresses the challenge of the shared media environment. This media environment has given way to echo chambers, making it harder to collaboratively solve problems. Media is not trusted, with especially low trust exhibited towards social media (as opposed to search engines, traditional media, and owned media).

As for the consequences of polarization, the 2023 barometer mentions that polarization Itself leads to further distrust, it amplifies differences, and can make some ideologies turn to identities.

Finally and in terms of positive expectations, the public believes that the best societal outcomes are achieved when government and business work together.

Click here for the full 2023 report: https://www.edelman.com/trust/2023/trust-barometer

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