IANUS partners at ENRIO 2024

On Tuesday, March 5, 2024, the fifth ENRIO meeting took place in Rome at the CNR Headquarters.

ENRIO (European Network of Research Integrity Offices) is the largest and longest-standing European network of centers and facilities dedicated to the topic and was founded right after the 1st World Conference on Research Integrity in Lisbon, Portugal, in 2007. It began when the then director of the UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) and other six persons concerned with research integrity decided to establish an (informal) European Network. The goal was to enhance research integrity within Europe in a world with growing international cooperation.

Today, ENRIO is the European voice of integrity in research: it brings together representatives of national offices and national organizations as well as other relevant bodies or groups who are dealing with questions about research integrity. Its informal network counts 31 member organizations within 23 European countries, all aiming to enhance research integrity. ENRIO’s tasks include: i) promoting and increasing awareness of the integrity of research in Europe; ii) developing stakeholder capacities through education, consultancy, and training; iii) promoting good practices; iv) sharing knowledge in managing reports of research misconduct.

This March meeting was attended by representatives of national structures as well as relevant institutions in the field of scientific research that support the objective of ENRIO with interests and responsibilities for issues of research integrity.
IANUS project’s Hub Zwart (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Hendrik Berghäuser (Fraunhofer ISI) were invited by Adivsory Board member, Loreta Tauginiene, who is also a member of ENRIO. They presented the IANUS project in a half-hour virtual presentation. One focus of the presentation was the plans for the policy labs, in which stakeholders and experts will develop co-creatively policy recommendations for science governance.

Due to the close thematic connection and the great importance of research integrity for the topic of trust in science, ENRIO is an important stakeholder for IANUS, whose assessments and perspectives are highly relevant for the further project work.
